A Reason To Smile
I know
I’m meant to grow old
With the girl I love
I can feel it in my bones
My heart
Most importantly
In my soul
It’s why I get up every morning
And why I go to sleep
With a smile on my face
A Loving Voice
Please don’t
Place those thoughts
In my head
Of how I want you
In my bed
But each night
It’s a fight
To love you
To hate you
Miss you
I’ll forgive you
And as the sun creeps in
It brings new hope
That hopefully
Isn’t shattered
By your voice
The same voice
I fell in love with
In His Arms
Lying in bed
Next to her
A night out
A night that ran out
Of good times
And good
In bed
Larger than before
Larger than a twin
To hold
Two souls
Soul mates
Closer than a twin bed
Could ever achieve
But with the passing seconds
Of the night
The closer he held her
The further away
He felt
The bed was
Further separating
Him from her
A terrible dream
A thought
To watch it all
Right then
And there
Only to wake up
And she’s still there
Where he left her
In his arms