Today Hurts Twice As Much As Yesterday
Today hurts twice as much as yesterday
She says
As the apparent
Loneliness sets in
The shock is over
And reality
Creeps in
Like the sun
Creeps in through
The windows
Only this time
The sun
Brings misery
Instead of hope
Today hurts twice as much as yesterday
Was it the fact
She woke up alone
Or that she was cold throughout
The night
Because he wasn’t there
There to keep her warm
And keep her close
To him
It’s going to be different
Life is going to be
Without him
She thinks
No longer an “us”
But only an “I” or a “me”
Today hurts twice as much as yesterday
As everything has crumbled
Even though
Things like this were meant
To withstand and last
It’s not happening today
Whatever was built
Between her and him
Now lies in pieces
Like the destruction of a tornado
Rips through the innocent lands
Destroying everything in
Its path
But after everything is torn down
And left for dead
Can still be rebuilt
And fixed
A simple word
But a concept
Hard to understand
In a time like this
For her
Today hurts twice as much as yesterday
I know this...I miss him. I know it gets better but right now, I'm in it....